Strategy & Process Review

Protection and planning for your business

You need to ensure that your credit control department (virtual or in-house) is running as smoothly as possible and in accordance with your terms and conditions. 

We can review your existing process before suggesting any enhancements (if necessary).  It may be that your credit control process is perfect the way it is, and your team simply needs extra manpower.

If you don’t currently have a robust invoicing and credit control process in place, then don’t worry – not only can we introduce a professional credit control system into your company but better yet, we will operate it for you!

We always recommend our clients undertake background checks when embarking on a new business relationship with a potential customer.

Whether it is with the introduction of Credit Refencing for new customers or robust credit control procedures, we will introduce an Early Warning System, Red Flagging any potentially problematic customers.  You will be able to rely on our experience in understanding customer behaviour patterns, dealing with non-payment and rehabilitating delinquent accounts. 

Our system mitigates risk and therefore minimises your exposure to debt.  Your company will be protected.

Contact us now to find out more.


How much do you charge?
Our prices are relative to the size of your business and to how much of your credit control function you choose to outsource. Starting from only £210.00 per month, our prices are very competitive, and our hourly rate is affordable to all.

No, there is no fixed length of contract.

We like to keep things simple and accessible. We simply agree the services, the time it will take to complete the tasks and we get started. 

Simple as that!

Not if you don’t want them to! 

Our whitelabelling method allows us to appear as an extension of your company. For further information click here.

If you decide to notify your clients of our involvement, that’s fine too. You call the shots!

Whether you have one client or one thousand clients, our services can be tailored to suit you and your company’s needs.

Every business needs a strong credit control function, and we are here for every business, no matter the size!


We currently offer administrative support to our existing clients, call / email handling, debt collection, receptionist services, staff training and temporary staff cover. Think of us as your one stop shop.  

Contact us to find out how we can assist you and your company.

Unfortunately, it can happen, although we try our very best to avoid it. 

We can refer accounts to our sister company who can deal with all aspects of debt collection, litigation and enforcement.

We manage this so you don’t have to!

We can’t speak for other companies (we’re sure they are great at what they do!) But our team at Curo Virtual see credit control as more than just a job, we are passionate about recovering money and always aim for the best possible outcome for our clients.

You’ll also have round the clock access to our Directors who are on hand to help you through any situation your company may face.

We’ll come and meet you and, once we have agreed the services and start date, we’ll take care of the rest. 

We can set you up with a dedicated phoneline and email mailbox or we can tap into your existing systems.  

The onboarding process is simple, fast, and managed by us!


Our services are provided virtually which allows us the fantastic opportunity to work with companies all over the world.

Still unsure? Get in touch with us today and one or our Directors will happily answer any questions you may have.   

Call us on 0141 212 6288 or drop us an email at [email protected].

Industry Statistics

Self Employed
Avg. 4 invoices

Avg £1,000 owed

Avg. SME
chases 5 invoices

Avg. £8,500 owed

10-50 employee companies
Avg. 8 Invoices

Avg. £13,000 owed

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